Terms & Conditions

The contents of the “Terms and Conditions” is an agreement between mkggroups.com Online Retail Private Limited and the “customer” executed on the date of the first or every transaction. The use of mkggroups.com website and/or the purchase of goods/services offered by mkggroups.com on www.mkggroups.com. or any other marketplace where mkggroups.com displays its offers explicitly constitutes the acceptance of “Terms and Conditions” by you, the “customer”. Please read them carefully. In addition, when you use any current or future mkggroups.comservice (e.g. Your Account/Profile, Gift Certificates, and Your Reminder Service, etc.) or visit or purchase from any business affiliated with mkggroups.com.com, whether or not included in the mkggroups.comweb site, you will be subject to these guidelines and conditions for such service or business. These terms and conditions supersede all previous representations, understandings, or agreements and shall prevail notwithstanding any variance with any other terms of any order placed or service provided by mkggroups.com. By using the shopping services of mkggroups.com you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. All products/services and information displayed on mkggroups.com constitute an “invitation to offer”. Your order for purchase constitutes your “offer” which shall be subject to the terms and conditions as listed below. mkggroups.com reserves the right to accept or reject your offer at any time or under any circumstances.


“Agreement” means the terms and conditions as detailed herein including all schedules, appendices, annexures, privacy policy, and will include the references to this agreement as amended, negated, supplemented, varied or replaced from time to time.

“mkggroups.com.” / “mkggroups.com” / “website” means the online shopping platform and the services provided by it and its affiliates, which provides a venue / platform to the Users of mkggroups.com to buy the products listed on mkggroups.com.

“Vendor” / “seller” /”affiliates” shall mean the person or any legal entity who offers for sale, sells the products on the mkggroups.com platform / website.

“Product/Products” means and includes any goods/merchandise/products/services/offers/display items that are uploaded /showcased/displayed on mkggroups.com by its Vendor and the related description, information, procedure, processes, warranties, delivery schedule, etc.

Electronic Communication

When you visit mkggroups.com or send e-mails to us or give us your feedback, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

mkggroups.com has made this service available to use as a matter of convenience. mkggroups.com expressly disclaims any claim or liability arising out of uploading of any obscene, vulgar or pornographic images, photograph or a picture or altering or distorting the images available under this service in an obscene, vulgar or pornographic manner. mkggroups.com also disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. mkggroups.com does not warrant that this site, its servers, or e-mail sent from mkggroups.com are free of viruses or other harmful components. mkggroups.com will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.

The Service(s) of mkggroups.com is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. mkggroups.com does not represent or warrant maintaining the confidentiality of information; although mkggroups.com’s current practice is to ensure reasonable efforts to maintain such confidentiality. It is also clearly understood by the User that all warranties and after sales services, implied or express, take place directly between the vendors and the User/buyer/customer and the terms of sale by the vendor.

mkggroups.com does not endorse in anyway any advertisers/ contents of advertisers on its web pages or other communication.

mkggroups.com will not be responsible for any damage suffered by Users from use of the services on this site. This without limitation includes loss of revenue/data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, missed deliveries, or service interruptions as may occur because of any act / omission of the vendor. This disclaimer of liability also applies to any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence, or under any other cause of action.

mkggroups.com assumes no liability whatsoever for any monetary or other damage suffered by you on account of:

The delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with use of the Website. Any interruption or errors in the operation of the Website. You expressly understand and agree that mkggroups.com shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if mkggroups.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages) User agrees and acknowledges that User shall be solely responsible for User’s conduct and that mkggroups.com reserves the right to terminate your rights to use the service immediately, notwithstanding penal provisions under the Indian cyber laws or any other allied laws enacted by the government of India or any other statutory, legislative or regulatory authority authorized in this regard from time to time. In no event shall mkggroups.com, its affiliates, employees, agents, consultants, contracted companies be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages or for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the mkggroups.com sites/services for interrupted communications, delay, lost data or lost profits arising out of or in connection with this agreement.

mkggroups.com therefore neither endorses nor offers any judgment or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the authenticity/availability of any of the goods/services/or for any damage, loss or harm, direct or consequential or any violation of local or international laws that may be incurred by your visit and/or transaction/s on these sites.

mkggroups.com shall not be liable for any delay / non-delivery of purchased goods by the vendors, trade organization/s, manufacturers / shop etc. (vendors), due to flood, fire, wars, acts of God or any cause that is beyond the control of mkggroups.com.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, mkggroups.com acts only as a platform to facilitate transactions between the Users/buyers through various platforms (online web store, call centre, mail order catalogues, SMS, etc.) for various brands of products and shall in no way be responsible for any quality of product, damages, losses, expenses and/or taxes incurred by Users for the products or if the manufacturing brand is not able to service the order of the User for any reason or any misrepresentation of any sort by the brands. In no event shall mkggroups.com, its directors, officials, representatives and employees be liable for any damages or claims relating to products sold through its various platforms.

All prices, unless indicated otherwise are in Indian Rupees. The availability of products is subject to change without prior notice at the sole discretion of mkggroups.com and orders can be cancelled if the product goes out of stock with the Vendor/Seller.mkggroups.com reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order placed for a product that is listed at an incorrect price which may be higher or lower than published. This shall be regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or payment been levied via credit card or cheque or otherwise. In the event the payment has been processed by mkggroups.com the refund amount shall be credited to your credit card account and duly notified to you by email or sent by cheque.

In a credit/debit card transaction, you must use a credit /debit card that is issued in the name of the User. mkggroups.com will not be liable for any credit/debit card fraud because of the card being used fraudulently. The liability to use a credit/debit card or a net banking transaction fraudulently will be on the User and the onus to ‘prove otherwise’ shall be exclusively on the User.

Any request for cancellation of orders once duly placed on the site, shall not be entertained.

In the event that a non-delivery occurs on account of a mistake by you (i.e. wrong name or address) any extra cost incurred by mkggroups.com for re-delivery shall be claimed from the User placing the order.

All products are duly screened and assured by the vendors to ensure that the products are of the standard, quality, composition, style or model that they represent and as displayed on mkggroups.com on behalf of the vendor/merchant/affiliate/merchant. All and any additional information/description, etc. for a product that is displayed/showcased on mkggroups.com is on behalf of the vendor/merchant/affiliate/manufacturer and is as provided to mkggroups.com. mkggroups.com does not take any responsibility for any incorrect or error in the display/showcase of such information.

Presently, the service(s) of mkggroups.com Shopping are being offered free. However, mkggroups.com reserves the right to charge a fee for any or such facilities or freight or handling charges or shipping charges or statutory taxes as per the terms of the buyer/seller. mkggroups.com and its affiliates reserve the right to cancel orders for the product in their sole discretion for any reason which can include but not limited to, the product being out of stock, or for any other reason without intimation to the User.

Use of the mkggroups.com website is available only to persons who can form legally binding contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872. Persons who are “incompetent to contract” within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 including minors, un-discharged insolvents etc. are not eligible to use the mkggroups.com website. If you are a minor i.e. under the age of 18 years, you shall not register as a member of the mkggroups.com website and shall not purchase any items. As a minor if you wish to purchase an item, such purchase may be made by your legal guardian or parents who have registered as users of the mkggroups.com website or can use the mkggroups.com website as a Guest User. mkggroups.com reserves the right to terminate your registration and refuse to provide you with access to the mkggroups.com website if it is brought to mkggroups.com As notice or if it is discovered that you are under the age of 18 years.

Business entity registration:

If you are registering as a business entity, you represent that you are duly authorized by the business entity to accept these Terms & Conditions/User Agreement and you have the authority to bind that business entity to these Terms & Conditions/User Agreement.